Sunday, April 11, 2010

Why do girls love bad-ass dudes?

There are these girls in my class. They always talk about how they want a guy who is tough and handsome and rough and etc. etc. I'm one of those nice guys who they don't pay attention to. When one of them finally gets one of those guys, they complain a week later that the guy is too mean and hits them and things like that. Why the hell do girls act this way. They could just get a guy to take care of them and love them, but they get the rough, bad-ass guys who hurt thier feeling and they wonder why every guy they get breaks their hearts. What do you think?Why do girls love bad-ass dudes?
LOL and that's the way they'll have it, none else.Why do girls love bad-ass dudes?
Not all girls are like that.
''bad ass'' dudes are pretentious.
That's why you have to be nice on the inside and ''rough'':? on the outside.
They don't. Not that I know of anyway. I suppose it varies as much as what us guys like. I find ''BA'' chicks more annoying than anything.
Because they're simply more interesting I would posit. Mystery overrides badness though. Become the mysterious cool guy.
They're too naive to know better. They're thinking with their genitals and not their brains. Making some mistakes is the only way they'll learn, though.
Probably because they want someone who's dominant / take's control. Who cares, it's not our job to understand why they think what they think, it's to know what they think. Now, be sensible and stop being a ''nice guy''. I used to think I was a ''nice guy'' until I realised I was just an arrogant twit who didn't have the self-esteem to be anything other than the supposed ''quiet/nice guy'' type.
Girls are very hard to understand but a lot of girls actually don't like the bad-ass dudes.
[QUOTE=''VENOM192'']Girls are very hard to understand but a lot of girls actually don't like the bad-ass dudes.[/QUOTE]So they say.
[QUOTE=''_en1gma_''][QUOTE=''VENOM192'']Girls are very hard to understand but a lot of girls actually don't like the bad-ass dudes.[/QUOTE]So they say.[/QUOTE] Haha true. :lol:
Because they like a challenge.They like the idea that they could tame such a man into being what they really want.
Girls love self-confidence and abhor insecurity as much as nature abhors a vacuum (very much)
''The most Bad-ass dudes are the ones that are tough but kind and compassionate'' - Quoted from a female friend

Of course many girls have different taste in Men.
[QUOTE=''-Misanthropic-'']Because they like a challenge.They like the idea that they could tame such a man into being what they really want.[/QUOTE]

They can up until :o

ahhhh that's better :) .... ''**** you i'm sleeping on the couch you snore too load and your fat ass takes up all the covers!''
Same reason we want a sexy feisty girl.
Many girls arent liek that... but most are. I guess they are jumping into a relationship that they know wont last just to experiment because they arent ready for a long term relationship. They just dont want to admit it.
Generally, self-described ''nice guys'' are described by others as ''pushovers''.
Not all girls are like that, but it does seem like a lot of girls like the ''bad boys.''

I personally like well-mannered, intelligent, stereotypically ''nerdy'' guys, but hey, that's just me.

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