Sunday, April 11, 2010

mcdonald or burger king?

clash of the titans!mcdonald or burger king?
Burger King for the Burgers and McDonalds for the fries.mcdonald or burger king?
BK. Even their fries are better to me now, but I almost never eat fast food anyway.
Lol, neither. I quit eating fast food after i saw Supersize Me at school. But I guess i would say Burger King (basing this on past experiences).
[QUOTE=''Steameffekt'']Burger King for the Burgers and McDonalds for the fries.[/QUOTE]

Well said. McDonalds burgers are too greasy for me.
McDonalds... actually wait no, Burger King.
[QUOTE=''Steameffekt'']Burger King for the Burgers and McDonalds for the fries.[/QUOTE]

this only McDonald's for literally everything else including Soda idk the cups at Burger King smell like a factory to me
It depends on what mood I'm in. After releasing those burgershots though, BK has been winning the battle as of late. :P
[QUOTE=''Serraph105''][QUOTE=''Steameffekt'']Burger King for the Burgers and McDonalds for the fries.[/QUOTE] this only McDonald's for literally everything else including Soda idk the cups at Burger King smell like a factory to me[/QUOTE]Why would you smell the cups? :shock:
Burger king. For EVERYTHING.
Everything but the milkshake tastes better on Burger King.
[QUOTE=''Renegade_Fury'']It depends on what mood I'm in. After releasing those burgershots though, BK has been winning the battle as of late. :P[/QUOTE]Nah, JAck n the Box has the better mini burgers...
McDonald chicken selects with buffalo sauce

Burger king fries
big mac destroys allexcept taco bell:o
I would say jack in da box or burger king.
[QUOTE=''Steameffekt''][QUOTE=''Renegade_Fury'']It depends on what mood I'm in. After releasing those burgershots though, BK has been winning the battle as of late. :P[/QUOTE]Nah, JAck n the Box has the better mini burgers...[/QUOTE]

Meh, I've never been to Jack in the Box, Wendy's, or Taco Bell in my life. It's been pretty much BK and McDonald's for me with a sprinkle of Carl's Jr every now and then. :P
[QUOTE=''Renegade_Fury''][QUOTE=''Steameffekt''][QUOTE=''Renegade_Fury'']It depends on what mood I'm in. After releasing those burgershots though, BK has been winning the battle as of late. :P[/QUOTE]Nah, JAck n the Box has the better mini burgers...[/QUOTE] Meh, I've never been to Jack in the Box, Wendy's, or Taco Bell in my life. It's been pretty much BK and McDonald's for me with a sprinkle of Carl's Jr every now and then. :P[/QUOTE]Get this man a Sourdough Jack pronto!
[QUOTE=''AYBABTme'']big mac destroys allexcept taco bell:o[/QUOTE]

mmmm......chalupa supreme......

[QUOTE=''Steameffekt'']Burger King for the Burgers and McDonalds for the fries.[/QUOTE]Same for me.

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