Friday, April 9, 2010

Who besides pot smokers thinks marijuana should be legalized?

Isn't the only reason why someone would want pot to be legalized is just so they can get stoned and not in trouble with the cops? Why is there such a big push for legalizing something that causes lung cancer and mental problems? Personally, I can't stand stoners. I just can't.

And what's everyone's opinion of abovetheinfluence? I heard it's propaganda but I don't see how.Who besides pot smokers thinks marijuana should be legalized?
Can't say that I've met anyone that doesn't smoke it that wants it legal.Who besides pot smokers thinks marijuana should be legalized?
I've never smoked anything in my entire life and I support legalization. Albeit, decriminalization might be the most adroit decision. Legalization wouldn't result in much money for the government. Market mechanisms are already in place.
The main reason it's not legalized is because the government can't make money off of it. If you look at places like Amsterdam, it's legalized and their pot useage actually dropped.
I dont really think it should be legal and I have never smoked it
Does it count if you no longer smoke pot? Because I think it should legalized, but I don't know if my opinion in this thread is valid...
There is a fairly large difference between legalization and decriminalization...I don't smoke pot, but I believe it should be decriminalized for small amounts.
Wanna-be pot smokers. Not trying to be cruel, it's just that from my experience, they're the only people that want it legalized besides those that smoke it, or want to get funky with someone who smokes it.
I don't really care, as long as I don't have to smell it on people.
I think they should legalize pot, especially because of the recession we are in now. If we legalized it and put taxes on it the gov't could make a LOT of money. Marijuana is the second most selling plant in Cali. behind the grape. If all the pot heads bought their pot from a gas station per se the gov't could make a lot of money. All they have to do is put laws in place for it, I say they use the same laws they use for alcohol and make it for pot. It would do the US good by legalizing it, and this is coming from someone who does NOT smoke it.
I think it should be legalized, it smells better than cigars/cigarettes as well.
[QUOTE=''blackmoth22'']Isn't the only reason why someone would want pot to be legalized is just so they can get stoned and not in trouble with the cops? Why is there such a big push for legalizing something that causes lung cancer and mental problems? Personally, I can't stand stoners. I just can't. And what's everyone's opinion of abovetheinfluence? I heard it's propaganda but I don't see how.[/QUOTE] Actually there has never been a reported case of lung cancer caused solely by marijuana. Also, there is no convincing proof that marijuana causes mental problems, much less kill brain cells. I suggest looking at this and/or watching The Union: The Business Behind Getting High - (pretty enlightening if you ask me)
[QUOTE=''supercubedude64'']I don't really care, as long as I don't have to smell it on people.[/QUOTE]

actually I dont mind the smell. in fact I hate the smell of ciggs a lot more.
A long time before I even started I wanted it legalized.
Minor possession is already decriminalized here, so I'm indifferent. I don't smoke, though.

Even when people protested here about it, it was just the potheads banding together. No one else cared.
i think all drugs should be legalized and government controlled, take away the high cost of drugs, you take away the crime surrounding funding a drug habit and you also cut out the profiteering dealers. just look at the heroin program in switzerland, it cut crime figures dramatically, and people were able to ween themselves off the drug because they had no pressure about getting there next fix. also the amount of money spent on policing drugs and putting people in prison would be cut.
The government would be better off decriminalizing or legalizing marijuana.
I don't see why it should matter if the people who want it legalized smoke it. If enough people do want to legally smoke weed, and no one can come up with a valid argument for why it's worse, or even as bad, as legal drugs like cigs or alcohol than that should be good enough. But just for the record, I know a fair number of people who don't smoke weed and still want it legalized.
I don't smoke and i want it legalized. Hell, I hate smoking, but the fact people go through so much legal processing and such just for being caught with it is stupid in my opinion. Nearly this whole war on drugs is just stupid, the only ones that should be brought down on are heroin and meth, and possibly cocaine since it has serious long term effects which include dying. Weed is fine in little doses. It doesn't hurt to smoke it on occasion, like every other weekend, or even smoking it everyday. A lot better than drinking everyday. You can barely even try meth or heroin and be messed up for life, but just trying weed is absolutely harmless.EDIT: The thing about weed being harmful is that it's not like its good for you physically. A lot of things aren't, but like I said, there are worse things you could be doing to your body.
I don't smoke and I want it to be legal.

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