Friday, April 9, 2010

Dammit with people and cruelty....

I was invited to a party tonight, its a surprise party, and the person whos its a surprise for i have been friends with for a while, but lately they have been a dick to me. Now this persons friend messaged me begging to come to the party, I said no cause I wasnt in the mood to. This person then makes a massive fuss about how everyone is gonna hate me cause of it and that I should be ashamed of myself. Some of these other people I kinda know and talk to, but not well enough for me to party with them. Plus there are more dickheads there who tend to just treat me like **** Now I am scared of losing the people who do actually wanna be my friends over a stupid text message.Dammit with people and cruelty....
You sound paranoid like me.

Two options really

1. Go to the party

2. Just do not dwell on it that much, things should be fine in the end. Tell them you are busy.Dammit with people and cruelty....
You should've just gone, its better to know rather then to wonder what could've been.
if they really are your friends, they wont stop being your friends... if your friendship means anything real to them.. then dont worry.. if they arnt really too good friend then who cares.

what im trying to say is relax.. you'll find your friends true colors in the aftermath of this insident.. and that guy could jst be yanking your chain. its a party for another guy, no one is going to stop and think about how you didnt show.. at least not for more than a minute.

friendship sells, but who's buyin?
Forget about them and party...
i guess what really puts the icing on the cake is the fact that the friend, who the party is for, and this ex-friend. When ever they get together they act like best buds and the friend ignores me.
If your ''friends'' don't want to hang out with you any more because you couldn't make it to a party, be thankfull you didn't go. You learned they aren't worth it early. :)
[QUOTE=''Lotus-Edge'']Forget about them and party... [/QUOTE]I agree...
If they would stop talking to you just because you werent in the mood to go to a party, then why in the Hell would you actually want to talk to them anyways?
If you're going to feel uncomfortable and awkward going, just tell them you're doing something else more one should get into some hissy fit just because you didn't go :?

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